

Listado de las últimas entradas al blog.

We are heading towards a new digital divide

These press clippings might help us to understand how important is (and will be) to understand the transactional cost of our digital life. The pandemic has accelerated the role of technologies. Perhaps changes in our mindset and behaviors will be needed. To what extent we understand the old and new vulnerabilities that emerge in the digital society? No need to say that this message shall not be oversimplified as a call against all digital technologies. This is a call-to-action to be critical and to be alert. Citizens will still need to protect themselves in the smart city (I prefer smart citizens before smart cities).

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A garden of innovations that are blooming

This also is an unprecedented opportunity to rethink education systems, reimagine the learning organizations, empower the role of teachers, and perhaps reimagine what it means to learn. Despite all the challenges previously mentioned, it is also true that we have seen a wealth of experiences that are becoming a garden of innovations that are blooming in education. Today more than ever educational systems are all called to become learning organizations....

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Can technology help teachers to mitigate the impact of COVID?

The COVID-19 health crisis created a unique difficult situation for teachers. With little warning and preparation they were required to conduct distance teaching and support remote learning, yet many were unable given the number of households that lack the relevant technology, tools and connectivity to allow pupils/students participate in the distant learning activities. Moreover, many teachers do not have ICT tools at home, even those with access to the internet often lacked the ICT skills and confidence to effectively conduct teaching online. In this workshop organized by my colleagues at UNESCO, we explored how to better support teachers in these challenging times...

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Are we ready to jump?

Today we propose to recover these principles of "technological disobedience" and bring them to the learning processes. Our main concern is that today the use of technology is very asymmetric and focused on consumption. That is, a few created (either technologies or content) and many consume it created by others. This creates asymmetry and dependence that are not positive. Today is time to reverse this symmetry. We must strengthen the ability to create content and create new ways of understanding technology (learning new languages and in some cases create new technology).

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10 ideas para reimaginar la docencia

Cobo, quien recientemente lanzó junto con Hugo Pardo el libro "Expandir la universidad más allá de la enseñanza remota de emergencia", habló de la necesidad de que las universidades administren, diseñen y exploren formas de construir experiencias de aprendizaje. Aunque señaló que no existe una “fórmula mágica” que se aplique a todas las instituciones de educación superior, compartió con educadores 10 sugerencias especializadas que pueden ayudarles a reimaginar la docencia.

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Interview: " I would never replace a good teacher with technology."

Interview: Digital Technologies and Human Infrastructure. In this interview the challenges of a society increasingly dependent on digital technologies are explored: "Instead of considering the data literacies as a new and stand-alone capacity, I prefer to look at them as an extension of digital competences and critical thinking. These challenges might seem new, because of the novelty of these technologies, but they are not. The Socratic methods enables students to critically question what they see, read, hear, and do. Any good education system is expected to prepare learners to question and think critically, regardless of the interpretation of reality (e.g. verifying if a news source is reliable; locating the source of a fake video)."

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From coping to improving and accelerating: Supporting teachers in the pandemic and beyond

(Blog disponible en castellano) As education systems emerge from this COVID crisis, it is clear that a new chapter is waiting to be written on teacher training (e.g., increasing investments in remote learning, adopting blended models when schools partially reopen, or creating remedial e-courses), which can help educational systems build back stronger and become more equitable. It is critical to develop teachers’ digital pedagogical skills. These are the skills needed to critically assess and decide when and how to incorporate digital tools, and realistically define their impact to support or enhance learning. This is now more crucial than ever, as teachers who cannot effectively use technology may in the future be replaced (or displaced) by those who can. This post includes +15 country experiences. Better strategies are needed for teacher capacity-building, innovating teacher training methods (virtual coaching) and regular follow-up plans to support the skills developed, using remote tutors & peers.

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¿Hacia un modelo post pandemia?

En tiempos de propuestas mediadas por plataformas es necesario humanizar nuestras prácticas pedagógicas. ¿Cómo estamos enfrentando los y las docentes este desafío? ¿Qué opinan las personas expertas? ¿Qué experiencias en curso se pueden compartir? ¿Qué herramientas digitales pueden ser útiles en propuestas para desarrollar a distancia? Es un espacio para conversar y discutir. No hay público espectador ni público pasivo pero al mismo tiempo todos pueden opinar...

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Nuevo reporte: ¿Sabrán reinventarse las universidades post-pandemia? #COVID19

En el trayecto de salida de la pandemia actual, la universidad no puede estar en el asiento del pasajero sino del conductor. El conocimiento científico de excelencia, vanguardista y en conexión con el saber producido en diferentes centros de investigación del mundo, serán la mejor forma de alcanzar soluciones a los retos actuales. Desafíos no solo vinculados con las problemáticas sanitarias sino que atendiendo también a todos los retos que traerán la (larga) etapa de recuperación posterior: reducción de inequidades, apoyo a los más rezagados, formas más inclusivas de enseñanza, nuevos mecanismos de subvención y reactivación, socialización del conocimiento, innovaciones medioambientalmente sostenibles, automatización de procesos, recalificación de la fuerza laboral, entre muchos otros. La universidad tiene una oportunidad irrepetible de responder con protagonismo y relevancia a estos retos que apenas empezamos a comprender.

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Successful examples of scaling up teaching and learning in response to COVID-19

En primer lugar, COVID-19 ha expuesto una gran brecha digital en lo referente a cómo usar la tecnología de una manera pedagógicamente relevante para realzar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Además, observamos una brecha digital en las escuelas, que marca la diferencia entre aquellos centros educativos que son simplemente proveedores de contenidos, y aquellos que pueden maximizar el aprendizaje ofreciendo mucho más que el simple acceso a materiales educativos (en línea o a través de radio y televisión). Esta última brecha hace referencia a si una determinada escuela tiene la capacidad de ofrecer secuencias bien planeadas y seleccionadas de aprendizaje digital, junto con un adecuado mecanismo de monitorización. El énfasis debe ponerse no solo en la entrega de recursos, sino también en generar un compromiso y proporcionar una retroalimentación activa. Es decir,  en lugar de simplemente maximizar el tiempo en línea, las y los educadores priorizan la calidad de la experiencia de aprendizaje.

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Cristóbal Cobo